Schools & Groups


School parties have been visiting MESC for over 20 years, taking part in our popular curriculum based activities, designed for children of all ages. From pond dipping to tree trails, mini-beast hunts to wild art, our activities are all hands-on, giving children and young people that fantastic connection to nature. We also offer Forest School based activities, including den building, which are ideal for team working and co-operation skills. 

Our highly experienced Education Officer is also available to visit your school and deliver an Eco Day including topics on recycling, energy, water and caring for the environment.

Sorry, but no Schools Summer Term programme this year

Due to no longer having access through the BT Communication Centre (our main access for over 20 years), and our Education Officer needing ongoing hospital treatment, we have made the difficult decision not to book schools in for the summer term. 

We're therefore going to use this opportunity to improve an alternative access track and parking and carry out structural repairs and projects, which are difficult to do when groups are using the site. 

We're hoping that we will be ready to welcome groups in the Autumn term.

Our sincere apologies and we hope to see you again in the very near future


Key Stages 1 & 2

Key Stages 3 & 4

"School is so much more fun when our lessons are out doors and I loved the pond dipping. I've never seen such amazing creatures"

Youth Groups, Clubs & Socities

We are also delighted to welcome groups with a wide variety of interests to enjoy everything that we have to offer. From playgroups and uniformed organisations such as Scouts,  Brownies and Beavers to Hobby Clubs and Societies, we have activities to suit all.

And for those who enjoy things a little bit more technical, visits can include a tour of the BT Satellite Station, depending on availability and weather conditions.

Fees, Terms & Conditions

The cost for a visit is £120 for a full day for up to 20 children (additional children at £5 per head) or £80 for a ½ day for up to 20 children (additional children at £3 per head).
The charge for a member of MESC staff to visit a school and deliver an "Eco-Day" is £180 per day or £100 for a ½ day (plus travel expenses).

The cost for a visit is £120 for a full day for up to 20 children (additional children at £5 per head) or £80 for a ½ day for up to 20 children (additional children at £3 per head).

The cost for a visit is £120 for a full day for up to 20 adults or £80 for a ½ day

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